According to a recent study, the average toilet seat contains an average of a whopping 3.2 million bacteria per square inch. You do not have to be a germaphobe to want to run away from a dirty bathroom fact like that.
While most of that bacteria is harmless, there are definitely some bugs that you can catch if you are not keeping on top of your cleaning routine.
Some of those harmful bathroom germs are gastrointestinal viruses, Staph infections, various fungi, and enteric pathogens.
Bottom line, if you have a gross bathroom, you could be putting your family and guests in danger.
But how exactly do you know if you cleaned a bathroom thoroughly enough, so you can flush away your worries about those harmful germs?
That is exactly what we are about to teach you, keep reading to learn how to clean a dirty bathroom properly!
Let’s get started.
Get the Right Cleaning Products
In order to get the best results, you need to use the best deep clean bathroom tools and cleaners. Then your dirty bathroom doesn’t stand a chance.
We recommend purchasing:
Hands down, Windex is the best mirror and window cleaner on the planet. It can also be used to shine up the faucets and handles.
A type of disinfectant foam
You can spray this cleaner on almost everything, the longer you leave it on to soak, the better it works. Saves time, energy, and doesn’t smell too strong.
A sponge or scrubby cloth
This helps wonders with soap scum and other grime, and saves you on the hard work!
Paper towels
Paper towels are awesome for cleaning your windows, mirrors, and finishing off the counters at the end of the clean.
Toilet Brush
If you do not have a toilet brush, you have a gross bathroom- seriously. Get one with the extra little cleaning brush on the side so you can get up and under the toilet bowl lid.
Toothbrush (Not your current one!)
Use this to get under the sink faucets, grout, and any other hard to reach spots.
Toilet bowl cleaner
These cleaners come with a handy nozzle so that you can angle your spray up and under the toilet bowl lid.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
We now introduce you to your new best friend, this magic eraser. It gets rid of soap scum like no other and helps to remove marks on the walls and cabinets as well. You’re welcome.
Rubber Gloves
Because, well, it is gross to clean without them! Plus, they protect your hands from the chemicals of the cleaners.
Spray Everything
First off, take the foam spray and spray all over the shower, bathtub, toilet exterior, sink, and anywhere else applicable. Then take the toilet bowl cleaner and give it a good squirt up inside the lid of the toilet.
This will all soak while you take care of everything else, then you come back to it after it has done its own hard work.
Don’t Forget About the Small Things
Most people forget about the little accessories in the bathroom such as throw rugs, candles, toothbrush holders etc. Give them a rub down with the appropriate cleaner.
If you have little rugs on your bathroom floor, put them through a hot wash and add some white vinegar to the washing machine. If you use a toothbrush holder, put it through the dishwasher as they can collect a ton of nasty germs.
Use Some Elbow Grease
Go back to the shower, sink, toilet, and everything you sprayed your foam on. Take your sponge and go to town on it all, giving a good scrub to remove the scum and grime.
After you have scrubbed it clean, use the shower nozzle to rinse the tub and shower clean.
This is where your magic eraser can become your best friend. After wiping down the cleaner, use the eraser to magically erase all of your soap scum troubles away.
Get On the Grout
This applies only if you have tiles in your bathroom. If you do not regularly clean the grout in your shower, it can start to discolor a bit causing even the cleanest bathroom to have a “dirty” appearance.
Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or scrubby brush and clean the grout with a grout cleaner.
Get Your Shine on
This is when your bathroom really starts to look clean. Spray the Windex all over your mirror, windows (if you have them) and all of the faucets in your bathroom.
Shine it all up with the paper towel or a microfiber cloth, getting in all the little nooks and crannies under the faucets and their attachments.
Finish off With the Floor
It is shocking how many people forget to how clean the bathroom floor, as this is where a huge majority of the germs are at!
There are two main ways to clean a bathroom floor:
Take a cleaner that is applicable to your floor material, and spray it all over the floor, letting it soak in for a bit. Then take a cloth or sponge and wipe it up starting from the farthest point towards the entrance.
If you have a large bathroom, use a mop or any other floor cleaning tool. Using the same technique, start from the furthest point and work your way towards the entrance.
Learn More About Cleaning a Dirty Bathroom and Other Parts of Your House
Now you have it, you transformed your dirty bathroom into a clean and pristine bathroom. You are probably on the roll now and want to learn how to clean other parts of your house.
Check out our blog where we have other cleaning information such as move out cleans, and more.
Don’t want to do the cleaning yourself? No problem, we have a qualified team that can come and takes care of that for you.